Helping you remove your carbon emissions

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, the world needs to permanently sequester or re-use 7.6 gigatons of CO2 annually by 2050.

ECOLOG is offering a viable solution in CCUS to achieve this target.

Leveraging economies of scale across the CCUS supply chain

We take responsibility of our customers' CO₂ from pipeline to sequestration. This can be a full service or part service, we help accelerate the global decarbonisation challenge.

  • Components of the supply chain are proven, reliable and scalable
  • ECOLOG will aggregate CO2 from multiple customers to create scale and build out a central liquefaction facility
  • Aggregated CO2 can now be transported at a lower unit cost further away on our dedicated fleet of large scale liquid CO2 Carriers
  • ECOLOG has strategic partners along the CCUS supply chain to leverage local expertise
  • ECOLOG does not develop carbon capture solutions or own sequestration sites, we provide the connection between the two


Creating the infrastructure where it’s needed

At key industrial hubs throughout the world we are building the ability to aggregate and liquefy your captured CO2 emissions. ECOLOG creates scale, reduces cost and provides the necessary service to transport CO2 responsibly by ship.

Liquid CO2 Vessels

22,000 m3 LCO2 Carrier

ECOLOG has developed a range of liquid CO2 carriers to suit different trade routes. ECOLOG’s purpose is to deliver competitive solutions for the transportation of CO2. Our vessels will utilise either on board carbon capture technology or low carbon fuels, minimising the carbon footprint of the supply chain.
Deltamarin and ECOLOG have collaborated on a 22,000 m3 LCO2 carrier design for intra-EU, short range trading. The design is based on low pressure containment of CO2 (8barg, -55c). The vessel’s shallow draft makes it compatible with many EU ports. An Approval In Principle was issued for this design in 2024.

  • Length: 190 meters
  • Width: 28 meters
  • Speed: 14.5 kts
  • Pressure / Temperature: 9 barg /-55 Celcius

40,000 m3 LCO2 Carrier

ECOLOG initiated and led a multi industry Joint Industry Project for the design of a Low-Pressure, Shallow-Draft, Low- Carbon Footprint 40,000 m3 LCO2 carrier. Hanwha Ocean developed the hull and cargo tank design and Babcock contributed their expertise on the cargo handling systems and integration.

  • Length: 240 meters
  • Width: 35.5 meters
  • Speed: 15 kts
  • Pressure / Temperature: 9 barg /-55 Celcius

CO₂ terminals

The aggregation, liquefaction, storage and transportation of CO2 are key components to a safe and cost-effective CO2 mid stream solution.
ECOLOG has worked with key partners across the globe to develop the most cost-effective midstream infrastructure.

ECOLOG has been working with engineering firms such as Bechtel, Wison, Wood, Sofregaz and Bilfinger to develop its infrastructure solutions. Land based terminals are designed with 5 million ton per annum (mtpa) liquefication capacity and temporary storage ranging from 24,000 m3 to 180,000 m3 capacity to accommodate various vessel solutions. For locations where land is restricted, ECOLOG also offers floating liquefaction facilities which can be constructed and deployed on a more expedited schedule.

The ECOLOG team is currently developing tailored designs for the following CO₂ aggregation mid-stream solutions:

  • 5 to 10 mtpa Liquefaction Export terminal in Northern Europe
  • 5 to 10 mtpa import terminal in the USA
  • 5 mtpa liquefaction terminal in South East Europe
  • 5 mtpa floating liquefaction terminal in South East Europe