
ABS Issues AIP for ECOLOG’s Low-Pressure 40,000 m3 Design for LCO2 Carrier
Panos Deligiannis, ECOLOG’s Head of Shipping, has led a team of companies to deliver a detailed AIP for a 40,000m3 Low Pressure Liquid CO2 Carrier in cooperation with Hanwha Ocean, Babcock – Marin...

Deltamarin and ECOLOG unveil LP LCO2 carrier design
These vessels will provide some of the lowest cost transportation of low pressure CO2 in Europe. ECOLOG is committed to building up a fleet of liquid CO2 carriers to serve the emerging Carbon Capture...

ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ newspaper: “The acceptance of CCS in the EU and its member states is growing and funding support is emerging”

ECOLOG’s workshop on cross border (outside of EEA) movement of CO2 at the Global CCS Institute members meeting in Rotterdam
Last week ECOLOG led a workshop on cross border (outside of EEA) movement of CO2 at the Global CCS Institute members meeting in Rotterdam. ECOLOG was supported by Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Reso...

ABS Industry First Audit of ECOLOG for the Operation of LCO2 Carriers
ABS has awarded ECOLOG with, an industry first, ISM Document of Compliance for the operation of liquified CO2 carriers on behalf of the Bermuda flag administration. ABS audited ECOLOG to verify compli...

ECOLOG signs an Investment MOU with Yesou City and Jeollanamdo Province in South Korea
It was a great honor for ECOLOG to sign an Investment MOU with Yesou City and Jeollanamdo Province in South Korea last week. ECOLOG is part of a consortium of five companies to create a hydrogen clust...

Positive outlook for carbon shipping amid big push to solve technical challenges
Panos Deligiannis (Head of Shipping ECOLOG) and Jasper Heikens (CCO) in discussion with DNV about the development of the CCUS sector and Liquid CO2 Carriers in particular. Great progress is being made...

CO2 Logistics with ECOLOG podcast
Jasper Heikens, CCO of ECOLOG had the opportunity to speak to Niels Schneider about the development of “non pipeline” CCS chains and the importance of CO2 aggregation to bring costs down for the i...

Global CCS Institute members day in Spain followed by an excellent day organised by Tecnicas Reunidas
ECOLOG had the honor to participate in the Global CCS Institute members day in Spain followed by an excellent day organized by Technicas Reunidas launching their latest service offering in CCUS, TRACK...

ECOLOG’s Jasper Heikens describes some of the key elements that need to be addressed before ordering a CO2 carrier.
Jasper Heikens’ interview to Naftemporiki and Mr. Georgiou. In the future, we all agree that the demand for ships carrying CO2 will increase significantly but many things still need to be sorted out...